The Hearing Specialist Group

About Us

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Better Hearing, Better Living

At THSG, we truly believe that the ability to hear well is essential to a good quality of life. We are committed to raising awareness on the importance of hearing and its impact on leading a fulfilling lifestyle, lifelong learning and active aging.

We are managed by qualified audiologists, with more than 20 years of experience in patient care. Possessing both a Masters in Audiology (UK) and a Degree in Engineering – our Audiologists offer the valuable combination of professional audiology service and technological expertise.

This is our key differentiator, and what makes our service stand above the rest. While hearing tests at other healthcare centres are usually done by nurses or audio technicians, THSG’s diagnostic hearing assessments are conducted by professional audiologists. This is essential to ensure accurate diagnoses, so as to provide appropriate management specific to each individual.

For hearing loss that can be treated medically or surgically, our audiologists will assist with a necessary ENT Specialist referral. For individuals who can benefit from hearing aid amplification, accurate test results will help to select the most suitable hearing aid to deliver optimal performance. It is important for the patients to understand their hearing condition, and our experience audiologists always take the time to explain test results in a simple, easy to understand manner.

Service from the Heart

THSG’s patient care philosophy centres on the fact that every patient is unique and merits service that is both caring and personalised. We do not subscribe to the “one-size-fits-all” methodology, but aim to provide a detailed diagnosis and customised hearing solution for each individual.

It is impossible to subsist as long as we have in this industry without genuine concern for the welfare of our patients. At THSG, we go beyond the professional surface to empathise with the emotions of our patients and partner them and their family on the change process towards better hearing.

We Speak Your Language

Our Audiologists are fluent in English, Mandarin and popular Chinese dialects used in Singapore, quickly and effectively closing the gap between specialist and patient.


Patients are attached to the same Audiologist with every visit, creating consistency and rapport. This is important to us, as the quality of the patient-specialist relationship is crucial to effectiveness of the treatment.

Word-Of-Mouth Referral

Testament to our patients’ appreciation of our service, over 50% of our patients come to us based on word-of-mouth referrals.

Up-to-Date, Optimised Hearing Solutions

THSG strives ceaselessly for the most effective solutions to meet our patients’ hearing needs. We stay on top of the latest technological advancements and lifestyle trends, and deploy best-in-class facilities and state-of-the-art equipment to provide the highest level of quality service and care.

Company Profile

We are an audiological clinic manned by a team of qualified, experienced audiologists. Started in 20190, our clinics are located in both private hospitals and medical centre. Our main services include diagnostic hearing test assessments, tinnitus counselling and hearing aid solutions & support for users and patients from ENT specialists, family physician’s e.g. GP, hospital inpatients, health screening in addition to our own patients.