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SPH Health Seminar 2024 – importance of early intervention for hearing health and mental health

Thank you for your enthusiastic support and attendance for Lianhe Zaobao Health Seminar 2024, “Know early, Act early” theme 乐活保健讲座早知道早行动” 2024

This is the second time our Principal Audiologist, Mr TAN Boon Hai of The Hearing Specialist gave a hearing awareness talk at SPH’s Lianhe Zaobao Health Seminar. The first time was back in 2018.  The full house audience was very enthusiastic towards Mr Tan’s sharing on the “Importance of early intervention for hearing and mental health”.

Many attendees shared they prefer face to face communications with specialists and experts and are happy to know the Health Seminar is back.

From our perspective and interactions with the audience, we realised the level of hearing awareness is still not as high and continuing efforts on hearing loss and education to public remains an important area. Mr TAN Boon Hai said “this platform (LOHAS Health Seminar) is very suitable for us (The Hearing Specialist) as many of the attendees are at the age when they have hearing problem and need intervention assistance.”  He pointed out that many of the national newspaper readers came prepared with relevant questions, a sign they have done homework prior to attending.  They asked about various hearing related questions including how to assist loved ones with hearing impairment, tinnitus, otitis media and effective intervention steps.

Many also shown interest in the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) hearing aids shown and have booked a one-to-one consultation with us to take the first step towards addressing their hearing problems.

Many was pleasantly surprised to see how small today’s hearing aids are and come with modern features such as rechargeability and wireless Bluetooth technology to meet modern lifestyles needs.